Audience profiling

An audience profiling is, a task all media institutions need to perform when creating a new product to  launch on to the market for example, magazines, film , album and more. Demographics is a common and traditional method of audience profiling is known as demographics. 

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What is a target audience profile?

A target audience is a group of that you cater your message to, both existing customers and potential new ones. Ideally, the target audience profile is composed of both quantifiable demographic information and the detailed informations.

Knowing the audience for a particular essay is important because it determines the content that will appear in the writing. In other words, having a focused topic is important, but having a specific audience is equally important.

Image result for audience profiling mediaWhat is the purpose of an audience?  
While audience and purpose are the writer's main concerns.The thesis is what connects audience with purpose and thus deserves much attention
Audience profiling is now widely accepted as the only effective way to gather the insights brands need to define, segment, and profile their consumers.
Without these, you won’t be able to understand who your audience is, or how to reach them for maximum impact. This is why marketers can no longer afford to rely on data for just one part of their process.
