Neo Noir Film / Blade Runner

So what is a Neo noir film?, a Neo noir film is not your average traditional Hollywood movies. They are unconventional in nature. They have all the signs of film-noir with new ideologies and themes and they are not black and white. Neo means new and noir means black , so it means new black. These are some of the examples,
  • Seven(1995)
  • Drive(2011)
  • Fight club(1999)
Image result for Blade runner
So how is Blade runner influenced by Film Noir? it is always dark and raining, in a large number of scenes we see a strong contrast between deep shadows and brighter light. Often the faces of characters in close ups are half obscured by shadow, with strong white rim light around the edge of their heads. 
Because in class we have been learning about Film noir and Neo noir film, we've then watch a film which is based on that genre which is called "Bladerunner". A short summary  explaining about the film is that, a blade runner must pursue and terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space, and have to returned to Earth to find their creator. The director of the film is Ridley Scott, the stars that played in the film are, Harrison Ford as "Rick Deckard" , Sean Young as "Rachael", Edward James Olmos as "Gaff" , Joanna Cassidy as "Zhora" and Rutger Hauer as "Roy Batty". 

Techniques in the film, Genre,  soundtrack, Shock Rating and The Setting. 

The narrative technique in Blade Runner is pretty straightforward, although the producers still wanted a voiceover track to explain what was going on. There are basically two main arcs in the story. Blade Runner takes place in a sci-fi dystopiaBlade Runner is also a new, revamped version of a film noir. There's plenty of violence in Blade Runner for example, Deckard guns Zhora down in the street, Rachael then shoots Leon in the head, Roy crushes Tyrell's head and jams his thumbs into his eyes, clearly shooting for R territory. The shoot and the set took place some where in LA because it is a dark, mysterious, decaying, and chaotic muddle. While it seems like a hellscape most of the time. The cameras take us down to street level, we get a different perspective. This future version of L.A. is a truly global city, people from all parts of the world are gathered together, and the city's street language is a mixture of many different tongues. The soundtrack to Blade Runner deliberately heightens the mystery of the movie. Vangelis doesn't really focus on the gloomy and decay-ridden side.
 Image result for Blade runnerImage result for Blade runner Rachael - is the mysterious femme fatal.Holden's interrogation is full of noir-style and smoke, Taffey represents a typical shady criminal nightclub owner. There are deep shadows and romance between the two confused characters, Deckard and Rachael. 
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